February 24, 2011

February is almost gone

Hi all.  It's been crazy busy here in West Michigan, at least as far as I'm concerned at work.  We've had a good snowstorm or two, the boys are finally starting to think that Minnesota is sharing it's wealth in snow days.

I've missed some important events and need to shout out to the following:

Nephew Bryce celebrated his birthday on January 28th.  He's my oldest nephew, a really cool cat and well loved by his Michigan cousins.  He's got some other news, but that's gonna wait a minute.

Cousin Nancy, Jim's lovely wife had a birthday on February 18th.   Very cool, she's settling into a slower pace and I'm hopeful it's a great pace to do what she wants.

To be clear, Nancy is the cute one on the right.

Big news, Bryce and Kelli had their baby, Evangeline Joy.  11 pounds.  Born at about 8:PM, 2/20.  Not without some challenges, but family and friends have been praying for all three of them.  Here is a photo of the youngest Young, Eva.  I think she's looking alert and she's saying; "Hey Mom and Dad, not sure what's up, but I am glad that you've got my back."

Holly and the boys are doing well.  We've been doing our scouting and did a camp out this month.  It was supposed to be a "Polar Bear" and we were going to dig snow caves and sleep in them.  The blizzard in the early part of the month was neutralized with warm weather and rain.  By the time we were camping, it was in tents on dirt.  Funny thing was, we had to rush to get home ahead of the 2nd largest snow storm of the season.

Spencer still hasn't heard if he made the cut for the State Geography Bee, we're hopeful, but not sure.

Ian was at the State contest in Lansing and did pretty well, 6th place.  He learned a lot about his new area of interest and I learned that he's really a pretty talented kid.  I should have known, but I think I'm too close to appreciate his fine arts skills.

Have an awesome end of the month and I hope to write again soon.

January 22, 2011

January 22nd? Really? Wow, time really flies!

Happy New Year!  As the title says, wow, time really flies.

We had a great Christmas this year with Tom and Reen coming up with all three of their dogs.  Without a fenced in yard it was a challenge, but a really nice time.

 Here's Spencer and Ian and Altai.  Keeping an eye on this puppy was more than a one person job.  Before dinner the pup had discovered the Christmas Stockings had stuff to eat and had helped himself a few times. 
 I took this shot and was pretty pleased with the angle, the trees and of course the beautiful ladies. 

 This was taken during the Great Potato Gun War of 2010!  We located some potato guns and Ian and Tom were the lucky recipients.  Once armed with a pistol and a red skin potato for each, the battle ensued.  Needless to say, the photo journalist was not given immunity and became a prime target.  The dogs all thought the game was pretty tasty!

I missed a few Shout Outs since Christmas Eve and so, without further ado, I'd like to announce the following:

Tom's Birthday is New Year's Eve and so we got him a gift to celebrate his 30th anniversary of his 21st birthday.  Ian really got into it when assigned the task of wrapping a Red Green book for Uncle Tom.  Ian was able to blend hunting and duct tape into the wrapping job.  Tom loved it and was really a good sport about the tape hermetically sealed gift.

Taylor had a birthday in January, on the 4th to be precise.  Here he is with his fiance Yvonne.  Aren't they a cute couple!

Cindy rang the bell on another year and marked it big time by moving to Northport!  Happy new home and I hope this is your year!  God's grace to you and yours.  This shot is a bit older of her and Thom, you guys look pretty good for old folks!


Another Nephew rolled another year, and that would be Jake and he's a cool kid that's learning life and autobody and I think he will excel at both! Here he's seen showing Ian how to catch some air on a tube.

And there you have it, we're caught up!  Now for the bonus shots;

My lovely bride is so cool and so hip that you just know that she's alright in a hat like this.

The boys at our favorite alleyway in downtown Grand Rapids.

Ian and I have fun at this spot playing with the camera and the light.

That's if for tonight.  Have an awesome 2011!


December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas Eve!

I am taking a short break from my Christmas Preparations, well, OK, from doing what Holly tells me to do to help get ready.

Tom and Reen are heading here sometime today.  We're planning a small affair consisting of the fondue pots, some fresh meats and veggies and lots of dipping sauces.  That's dinner for sure.  As for breakfast, we're thinking fritatas and then lunch with my version of a Gondola, really, more of a grinder. 

This just in from my Nephew Jake:
Hey everyone here are some pictures of grandpas car with the body panels on it. They have been sanded for the first time and a few spots need more filler and they all have to be reprimed. I love you all have a Merry Christmas.

Here's a few shots of the car that he's talking about.  This is my father in laws car.  It's in process of a complete redo.  They took it down to the frame and are now building it up again.  

The car is a 1975 Hurst Olds and is actually 3 cars being blended into a single, sweet ride. 

It has the right wheels already and the engine is running well.  With the body coming along this well it won't be long until they are scrambling for interior parts.  Hopefully in time for Woodward Cruise.  Don't worry Bob, if you can't get up for that, I'll drive it for you!  ;-)

This is my favorite shot, if you look close you can see the sign says Merry Christmas.  Jake's a pretty cool kid that's learning the business.  Looking good and thanks for sharing Jake!

One other news Item to share is that Taylor is back in Minnesota for Christmas.  He surprised his dad, David.  He's how David described it:
Christmas came a little early last night when my doorbell was rung about 5:PM.  Opened the door to a tall, dark stranger with hat pulled down low.   After my tentative ‘hello’, the tall, dark stranger stepped into the light and say ‘hi, Dad’.   The look on my face apparently made his plan a success.  His Army class in California finished up early (like he expected) and he flew to Rochester and took a cab to my house.   Really, really good to see him.  The whole thing was repeated a few hours later at his mother’s house.   Taylor did a good job planning this whole thing out.  Yvonne is still scheduled to come in next Thursday.  

Hope your Christmas and New Year’s are filled with awesome surprises.

I'll try to post again this weekend.

I love this season!  May God shine on you and yours with joy and blessings.

December 18, 2010

News Flash #2!

I must admit that the boys are very supportive of each other.

Ian just got third place in a graphics contest and is headed to the State competition.

Here's his certificate.

Pretty darn proud of the boys, now if they'd focus a bit on their not so favorite classes we'd be set!

Have a great day!

December 16, 2010

News Flash!

Spencer just won the North Rockford Middle School Geography Bee!

I just had to share that.

As you can imagine, we're very proud of the boy!

How about you, any news that you'd like to share?

Have a great day!

December 5, 2010

Hello, Hello, it's me again!

I am so bummed that I failed to get a blog out for my brother's birthday.  John, while it's totally my own fault please forgive me.  I'd like to say I have a good reason, but I don't.

I've probably bashed him enough, so this year we'll go easy.

Here's a few shots from Thanksgiving. 

 Here's John with his nephew Spencer.  I took this just before he headed out for a smoke.  As someone that has quit smoking just a few years ago I have to comment.  It's really tough going out to smoke when it's 10 degrees.  I stopped out and visited a few times.  Pretty hilarious, hand shaking so bad he couldn't hardly get the job done.  It was so cold that his eyes were tearing up. 

The traditional Thanksgiving photo.  Tom, Ian, Holly, Maureen, Spencer and Jack.  We had a smoked turkey this year and it was the best!

Lot's of good food here, Scalloped corn, green bean casserole, taters, gravy, stuffing (why do we still call it that since it's never put in the bird?) sweet potato and apple casserole, thankful rolls and lots of pie!  Thanks to Tom and Reen for putting us up and putting up with us!

Happy Belated Birthday dear brother John/Jack.
It was awesome to have you come out and celebrate Thanksgiving with us and share in some of our traditions.

Thanks also to you for your years of service in the military. 

Briefly, Holly was in a hilarious skit at church today, if you'd like it can be viewed by following this link; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsvY8PbhZi0  or go to YouTube and searching for the "12 pains of Christmas"

That's it for today. 

Have a great day!

November 29, 2010

Radio Man, as in I transmit!

I know, I'm still behind on reporting about my trip to Germany.  Sorry.  Eventually life will slow down enough to allow me to catch up on the blogging...or not.

Anyway, this blog isn't about me and my mildly amusing foibles.  Well, not completely anyway.

Leading off we have guest reporter, Kathy.  While I don't recall ever meeting Kathy, I'm sure we must have been in the same place at the same time.  How else do you explain the sign off that she uses is the same as mine?  You know, "Have a great day!"  Very unique!  Here is what she reports:

Here are some pictures of Jim and Nancy's travels.  They went to Cedar Rapids to watch two of their grandchildren play in the State Volleyball Tournament a couple weeks ago.

They are Dean's girls:  Amanda & McKayla

Notice the picture of the girls holding up posters.  Jim is in the background in the center of things AGAIN!  Couldn't resist that.

Sent to you from Kathy, Nancy's sister. 

Have a great day!!

Pat here again.
How cool is that! Man, I remember when Dave made it to Regional's, we thought that was pretty sweet, I can't imagine States!  Way to go Amanda and McKayla!

Switching subjects...

Did you have a good Thanksgiving?  I am tempted to start a sermon, but won't because I tend to forget to be thankful myself.

We followed our usual tradition of going to the "Starmack Inn" to celebrate the holiday.  Although we say usual, it is unique and special every year.  Thanks guys! 

My nephew Bryce and his lovely bride, Kelly are expecting a baby very soon.  My prayer is that it would be an easy birth.  Looking forward to adding that baby to my list of loved ones.

Nephew Mike and his lovely bride, Jamie are doing well in Delaware.  Their daughter, Lexi, is a drop dead georgous girl that has just placed 2nd for Cutest Baby in Delaware! Check it out and you're sure to agree with me, she was robbed!  She really was the cutest!

Nephew Matt and his lovely bride reside in sunny Florida.  They're not telling me much, but I get a sense that they are unwittingly happy.  That unto itself is pretty cool.  
I'll stop for now, when I resume I'll try to start where I left off.

Have a great day!