October 3, 2010

Catching Up

Hey there, long time no type!  Feeling pretty stressed about how fast life is coming at us and know that I owe you guys something about stuff that's been happening. 

Today's the teaser, hopefully, I will follow through and get you all caught up with the Michigan Young's.

At the beginning of the school year we hold troop elections and Ian was elected the Senior Patrol Leader.  Really proud of him and a bit worried about if he can keep it all together.  Typical Dad.

Speaking of Ian, this past weekend he went to the Sparta Homecoming Dance with his girlfriend, Chelsi.  A super girl that is really cute and fun to be around.

A few weeks back Tim, Mike and I headed up north for our annual motorcycle riding weekend.  The plan was fantastically simple, leave work early on Thursday, meet up at Tim's and ride to his in-law's place.  Sunday, we'd come home.  How's that for meticulous planning!  Hopefully I can get a post on that before I forget all the good parts.

Can you tell where the photo was taken?

Boy Scout Popcorn Sale is on.  Get a hold of me if you'd like to help send a scout to camp.  Here's a link for you to connect to; TrailsEnd.  If you decide to order on the Trails End website, please select a scout to support and choose Spencer Y in zip code 49341.  Thanks for the support!


ArtPrize in Grand Rapids has been pretty good.  I got down there earlier this year and really enjoyed a quiet Sunday strolling around with Holly and running into people that we knew.  Lots of fun!

This entry is from a friend, it's a 4/6 scale model airplane suspended from a building near downtown Grand
Rapids.  Pretty cool.

That's going to have to do for now.
Have an awesome week at work and I hope to be giving more detail soon.

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