April 24, 2009

Friday Night Special

The end of a long week...Aaaahhh!!

I think bits and pieces today.

It was awesome riding the motorcycle today. It was pretty hard on me when I got it all cleaned up last weekend and then couldn't ride due to the rain.

I got your message Maureen. I found it amusing that the rider reminded you of me, until he nearly took out a deer. The closest I've been to an animal situation with my cycle was when a hawk swooped down and snatched up a gopher. That was years ago, near Owatanno Minnesota, on my first Honda 750.

Went to a wedding tonight. Very non traditional, very old fashioned, very nice. It was the pastors first wedding. It was the bride and groom's second. The used a Chuppah which looks like this, to say their vows under. Anyway, it was a really nice time. The Chuppah is a Jewish device, but the pastor wove it nicely into a Christian service.

Have a great day!

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