September 5, 2009

Saturday Progress on Landscaping

I have a friend and co-worker who's son is really sick. Luke's a cool kid, but he's suffering from pneomia and is currently residing at the pediatric ICU here. Please lift up a prayer for him and his family.

We worked like dogs all day, moving dirt, creating a new fire pit area and finishing up with hot dogs cooked over the open fire. Holly took after the gardens, not so much moving dirt, but reclaiming our yard a corner at a time. With luck, were creating a place that's easier to maintain, but still pretty cool to look at.

This Photo Series is from our day on a boat in the Silver Springs area.

It was a great day, if a bit hot.

Ian has an ability to look really great and dead pan.
See the turtles on the log?

See the aligator, classic pose, with the snout and tail up.
Spencer with his catch of the day, we let it go.

Here's Ian's catch, we let it go too.

Bob's catch was tempting to keep and fillet, but since the boys had released theirs, it only made sense to throw it back.

Schooling fish, pretty cool how deep we could see.

Have a great day!

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