February 18, 2010

Boy Scouts

First up is a Birthday Shout out to my Cousin Nancy. We've recently reconnected with that side of the family and had some fun catching up. Unfortunately, she had a bit of a fall recently and could use a bit of prayer for some healing. Anyway, Nancy, you have that out of the way, that was SO last year. This year is going to be awesome!

Ya know, I have been really blessed in my life. I have lived through some really neat history, been relatively healthy (except for my knees that is) and been to some really cool things. Tonight was one of those cool things. The scout master of our little troop is a lawyer at one of the big firms in town and the firm bought a table at the 2010 Building Character Celebration, honoring the 2009 Eagle Scout class and celebrating the 100th anniversary of Boy Scouts of America. Very heady stuff.

Here is a shot of that class of Eagle Scouts. There were over 200.

Here's a couple shots of former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney and Dick DeVos (who ran for Governor here in Michigan) Dick introduce Mitt and Mitt was the key note speaker. A bit political, but hey, they're politicians.

The Meijer's have been big donors to Scouting and they were honored tonight. Here's Fred afterward.

In Grand Rapids, you don't see Fred without Lena and tonight was no exception. Here's Lena.

Of course no night in Grand Rapids is complete without seeing a local musical Diva, here the paparazzi have caught my personal favorite diva, the incomparable, Holly.

There you have it, that's the news worth knowing

Have a great day!

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