September 24, 2008

Photo of the day, Wednesday, 9/24/08

I had a rare chance tonight to visit with my Aunt Sandee. She was back in Minnesota for a high school class reunion and has been taking her time, going here and there along the way visiting with family and friends. We were pretty pleased to have rated a stop on the tour. As we are having dinner her cell phone rings and it's her son, my cousin Herb. I could see it coming, she handed me the phone and said, "Tell him hi, but don't tell him who you are." Ok, I'm game and I play along. Poor Herb didn't even know which state his mom was currently in, cell phone you know. So I tell him Michigan and he's making some guesses, that I assume have to do with his Dad's side of the family. Once I tell him it's me and then we're trying to figure out when the last time we were together. As near as I can figure it was back in 1977, I drove him to work at a restaurant on the New York Turnpike. Some interesting things to point out:

  • I am certain of the date because I was there before I started my second year of drafting.

  • I remember that was the year that Elvis Presley died, it was a really big deal back then.

  • We went to a park and I jumped off a 70 foot cliff into a pretty shallow pond

  • I hung with the Vingoe side as well and had some fun

  • Driving Herb to the restaurant resulted in getting me trapped on the turnpike and I couldn't get off until the next exit, 30 miles away and they wanted to charge me for the whole toll. I remember cousin Nancy and I were pretty nervous about calling Uncle Chuck.

Great trip down memory lane. Anyway, Aunt Sandee is well, and it sounds like the whole Clark family is doing pretty well. I tried to find a shot of my dear auntie, but alas, I was too tired. So, here's one of my dad from when he was about 21.

Have a great day!

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