October 26, 2009

Popcorn Sales

We are getting close with our popcorn sales and if you're able to help us out, let me know.

Those close by, just send me an email and I'll order it and deliver it in person.

Those further away, well, there is the Internet method. If you're interested in that, please let me know about that as well.

Hey! Ian and Spencer here. We are selling popcorn again, which benefits our local scout troop, and we were wondering if you would like to buy any from us. We have all the examples below this, and although it is a bit pricey, it does benefit the scouts completely. The popcorn has gotten two thumbs up from every one including Spencer! By the way, did you know that we have an online portion this year? Last year, scarcely any went to scouts. But this year, they are giving over 70% to troop 282 of Belmont. Please let us know if you are interested as soon as possible and we’ll figure out the best way to get it to you. Thanks! Ian and Spencer
A scan of the flyer.

Anything you can do would help with their goal.
Thanks and have a great day!

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