June 21, 2010

Happy Monday?

What's up?  Work was especially work like today.  I had a customer visit this afternoon and took the company vehicle, an awesome Ford Taurus Station wagon.  As Ian would say, Noice!  Except the air conditioner isn't working, the brakes are shot and it pulls to the left, but it's better than using my car.

As I mentioned the other day, Tom and Reen stopped by on their way up north.  I heard on the radio how people in and around Chicago look at Michigan, and I quote; "Chicago's favorite state park is filling up again on most weekends, so you may want to consider our second favorite state park for your next outdoor adventure, Michigan.  Anyway, here's a shot of them on their visit.  Looking good guys!

Speaking of Chicago, while I was there I was having dinner at an upscale place and the wine steward came by and we were kidding around and he mentioned that he'd seen how to open a bottle of wine with out a corkscrew.  I went to Youtube and found many clips, here's one that was the most tasteful.  Open a bottle of wine with your shoe.  

Have a great day!


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